The War on Science Goes Batshit Ebook Info-bulle

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  • livre numérique
  • 9781301519095
  • 01 novembre 2013
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Most students don't challenge their teachers' methods. But fourteen-year-old Timothy Thompson isn't like most students. He's a certified genius and science geek, and when Mrs. Barker, his biology teacher, tries to slip "intelligent design" into the curriculum and then refuses to teach evolution, Timothy simply won't have it. What happens from there is an all-out Batshit war.

Timothy attends Omar L. Batshit (pronounced baht-SHEET) High School in Batshit, Illinois, where, following his battle with Mrs. Barker, many perceive his actions as anti-Christian and consider him the antichrist. He is harassed and bullied by students and tormented by Mr. Braun, the gym teacher with more brawn than brain.

Joined by an endearing crew of fellow science geeks—including Megan Chow, whom Timothy vows to make his girlfriend—Timothy plans a lecture series to teach the "real science" Mrs. Barker refuses to teach. While this causes almost everyone around Timothy to hate him all the more, the geek squad gets enough support from the school's principal and librarian to pull the series together.

As Timothy and his friends continue to plan the lectures, unsettling forces continue to work against them. He finds help from some unexpected sources, including Mike Petersson, the star of the school's football team and self-described "dumb jock," who takes on the role of Timothy's bodyguard.

Eventually Timothy finds himself in a life-threatening situation where not even his big, burly bodyguard can help him. Will Timothy survive? Or will he become a casualty of the war he started?

A suspenseful, entertaining story, The War on Science Goes Batshit takes a fresh look at the war between religion and science from the perspective of a teenage geek, setting it up not only as a politically charged piece but also as a young adult, coming-of-age saga that tells a tale of ordinary and extraordinary teens experiencing their first year of high school, the bonds and insecurities of friendship, and first love.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
01 novembre 2013

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Allen J. Woppert
Editeur principal
Smashwords Edition

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