A 1950s Housewife Ebook Info-bulle Mariage et travail au foyer dans les années 1950


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  • livre numérique
  • 9780752478951
  • 30 novembre 2011
  • 192 pages
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Being a housewife in the 1950s was quite a different experience to today. After the independence of the wartime years, women had to leave their jobs when they married and support their husband by creating a spotless home, delicious meals and an inviting bedroom. A 1950s Housewife collects heart-warming personal anecdotes from women who embarked on married life during this fascinating post-war period, providing a trip down memory lane for any wife or child of the 1950s. This book will prove an eye-opener for those who now wish they had listened when their mothers attempted to tell them stories of the "old days', and will provide useful first-hand accounts for those with a love of all things kitsch and vintage. From ingenious cleaning tips, ration-book recipes and home decor inspiration, the homemaking methods of the fifties give an entertaining and poignant insight into the lives of 1950s women.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
30 novembre 2011
Nombre de pages

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Sheila Hardy
Editeur principal
The History Press

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