Endymion Ebook Info-bulle


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  • livre numérique
  • 9781455308200
  • 15 décembre 2009
  • 496 pages
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According to Wikipedia: ''Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, born Benjamin D'Israeli, (21 December 1804 19 April 1881), was a British Conservative statesman and literary figure. He served in government for three decades, twice as Prime Minister. An Anglican, he was nonetheless the country's first and thus far only Prime Minister of Jewish heritage Disraeli's greatest lasting achievement was the creation of the modern Conservative Party after the Corn Laws schism of 1846. Although a major figure in the protectionist wing of the Conservative Party after 1844, Disraeli's relations with the other leading figures in the party, particularly Lord Derby, the overall leader, were often strained. Not until the 1860s would Derby and Disraeli be on easy terms, and the latter's succession of the former assured. From 1852 onwards, Disraeli's career would also be marked by his often intense rivalry with William Gladstone, who eventually rose to become leader of the Liberal Party. In this feud, Disraeli was aided by his warm friendship with Queen Victoria, who came to detest Gladstone during the latter's first premiership in the 1870s. In 1876 Disraeli was raised to the peerage as the Earl of Beaconsfield, capping nearly four decades in the House of Commons. Before and during his political career, Disraeli was well-known as a literary and social figure, although his novels are not generally regarded as a part of the Victorian literary canon. He mainly wrote romances, of which Sybil and Vivian Grey are perhaps the best-known today. He is unusual among British Prime Ministers for having gained equal social and political renown.''

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
15 décembre 2009
Nombre de pages

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Benjamin Disraeli
Deuxième auteur
Benjamin Disraeli
Rédacteur en chef
The Perfect Library
Editeur principal
B&R Samizdat Express


Titre original

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