How to Calm Your Mind Ebook Info-bulle Trouver la paix et la productivité en période d'anxiété


  • en
  • livre numérique
  • 9781035002009
  • 27 décembre 2022
  • Adobe ePub
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How to Calm Your Mind offers a toolkit of accessible, science-backed strategies that reveal how the path to a less anxious life, and even greater productivity, runs directly through calm.

When productivity expert Chris Bailey discovered that he had become stressed and burnt out because he was pushing himself too hard, he realized that he had no right to be giving advice on productivity without learning when and how to rein things in and take a break. Productivity advice works – and we need it now more than ever – but it’s just as important that we also develop our capacity for calm. By finding calm and overcoming anxiety, we don’t just feel more comfortable in our own skin, we invest in the missing piece that leads our efforts to become sustainable over time. We build a deeper, more expansive reservoir of energy to draw from throughout the day, and have greater mental resources at our disposal not only to do good work, but also to live a good life.

Among the topics How to Calm Your Mind covers are:
- How analogue and digital worlds affect calm and anxiety in different ways;
- How our desire for dopamine breeds anxiety,
- How hidden sources of stress can be tamed by a ‘stimulation fast’;
- How ‘busyness’ is as much a state of mind as it is an actual state of life.

The pursuit of calm ultimately leads us to become more engaged, focused and deliberate – while making us more productive and satisfied with our lives overall. In an anxious world, achieving calm is the best life hack around.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
27 décembre 2022
Format ebook
Adobe ePub

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Chris Bailey
Editeur principal

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